Monday, August 30, 2010

Hominids, Art, Caves and Me

This activity was interesting and relevant to the current unit of inquiry. Acting as social scientists we "uncovered" "artifacts" that were linked to prehistoric times. All of these "artifacts" had some connection to art whether it be a painting, sculpture or something ornamental they all had something to do with art. I found this activity both interesting and enjoyable.

How did early humans use art to express their prehistoric culture?

These paintings such as the one to your right demonstrate that not only did these people have enough time to hunt and gather for food they had enough free time to express themselves and their culture both religious and otherwise through art.
There are a few possible explanations as to why they painted animals instead of say themselves. The first is that these animals were extremely important to them as a culture, tribe and perhaps even person.
As they provided food to survive on as well as fur which could be used for clothing and protective screening.

Another explanation is that these Hominids were painting the sky. Now you might say: "Those aren't clouds, they're bulls and horses". Some scientists believe that they were painting the constellations in the night sky. A certain cave has paintings of bulls of which the layout is almost identical to that of the constellations in the night sky.
All in all this shows that the early humans were efficient enough to spare time to use at their own leisure. So they might not have been Picasso but they were still artistically creative back then.

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