Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Shirts and Bathtub Racing while Public Speaking

I'm going to talk about my city connections presentation. I did a presentation discussing the geographic location of Singapore and how this contributed to the success of the city. According to my teacher the success of different peoples varies on where they settled. So, my presentation was about how Singapore the island helped Singapore the city.

I think that I performed well on my presentation, specifically on the actual slideshow, people
complimented on the way that I had layed out my slides and that my graphics were very helpful. They also liked the fact that I had not included much information in my slides, giving away the info in the speech accompaniment. Many people said that they enjoyed my speech, and that it was inspiring watching me talk; albeit about Singapore. I personally thought that the slides were better, as they set the foundation of my entire presentation. I hadn't prepared for this talk and relied entirely on the slides to know what to talk about. Also, I used the graphics on the slides as a basis for a lot of my large of my large hand movements, which apparently people love (that was a really bad add-on).

What would I improve for future presentations/projects?
I got full score, sooooo, not much (is that bad grammar?). I thought that my
presentation/speech was one of the worst I've ever done, but other people - as I have said above - found it very good and even inspiring. Next time I might do a little planning for my speech, just a few points, nothing much. I also ad libbed a bit during the speech, mentioning worthless facts such as the banning of patterned shirts, which had nothing to do with anything.

3) What did I learn from my preparation in addition to the presentations of others?

I learnt from my own presentation that Singapore's location wasn't just key because of the fact that it was central, but also because of the trade winds, which came past Singapore. I learnt from Lily's presentation that two of
the largest industries in Toronto are publishing and meat packing, I learnt from Nick that Nanaimo is on an island in Southwest Canada and is the best place in the world to go bathtub racing. I learnt from PJ that the city of Aberdeen is also known as the Granite City, Allison told me that the New Ulm Fire Department was originally known as the New Ulm Fire Company (no offence, but to me that sounds like they started fires).
Yes, there is a bathtub in that boat

What was my analysis of my performance?
My teacher's analysis was 40/40 but mine is definitely different. I'll put it this way, if 10 was for graphics, 20 for info and 10 presentation I'd give myself the following score:
Graphics 9/10
One of my pictures was of a man's head and another was a graph in which all the sections looked the same.

Information 19/20
I think I did well but I should have mentioned Changi airport

Presentation 8/10
While I spoke with a good clear voice I felt a bit awkward doing it and I rambled on a bit.

Final score 36/40=90%= A
Thats it.

If you want to see the actual presentation click on the link below.
Dont click on these ones.
They are boring
You don't want to.
Fine. Do it. I don't care.

This is
Signing out


  1. Hey nice post really liked the pictures, :)

  2. Nice lengthy paragraphs. And an awesome title.

  3. Nice tittle very funny¡ Also good job with your actual paragraph.

  4. I loved you presentation so much I used you as an example of what level I want to be at in my future presentations. You did very good on the actual presentation AND the presentation. You are so loved everyone chanted you name, including me! You are just a sweet, kind guy and never forget that! Your speaking skills are enjoyed by everyone, not matter how much you practice or what you slide looks like, people love you anyway! You did very well on the presentation!

  5. Good god, man! Nanaimo isn't an Island!

  6. I've got a question, I haven't really read you other blog posts but do you always say : this is AlexK signing out ?? Anyways, love the blogpost! I think you deserve 100% and if this really is was your worst presentation then you must be better that perfect!
