Monday, March 14, 2011

Choices, Consequences

I have to write another post about the giver, this time about something that the giver said. He said that people in this world would find it frightening to make teir own decisions. The question is:

Why would peopel find it frightening to amke choices?

I personally find making decisions scary even though I've made them before, unlike those in this book. I always find it hard to make decisions as I am always afraid that if I make the wrong one then that the consequences will be horrible and I'll have to live with them for a while. If I make the wrong choice and I bear the repercussions then I can live with myself as I am the one to suffer. However if someone else suffers the I would feel abosolutely awful, as through my mistake someone else would have to endure something because of my own mistake. I don't know about you but I would feel horrible if I did that to someone, as I have before.

It's a different case with the people of Jonas' community as they have never made a large decision in their life so they would be scared of the concept of a choice. Choices as a thing are pretty scary themselves as generally you have to make one. If your stuck then eventually the pressure builds up as you get closer to the day that you must make your final decision. Once you make it there are tow possible thoughts that could be going through your head. The first one: wow, glad thats over, no point in regretting it, it's all over. The other: no, no, I should have chosen the other, I can still change! NO don't do that, you're just being indecisive. These people have never been through this thought process and it will definitely scare them as it has scared many others before.

We are all afraid of something different, in their case it will be choices this added with the
pressure I have talked about above is enough to bring anyone to their knees. I agree with giver prediction that if they made choices they would be scared.

This is
Signing out

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Taker

I was told by my teacher to create a blogpost about the book that we are currently reading. The book in question is "The Giver" by Lois lowry, this book is about a boy called Jonas who lives in a place known as the community. The commuinty is run by an authoritarian government that controls it's people, chosing their jobs, their forms of expression, when they are born and when they die. I was asked a question about the book which I must answer in this post:

Why is interdependence fostered in the community?

In a word I think interdependece is fostered in the community for control. If the people all think the same then they are easier to control like sheep. If the people all dependon each other then when one falls they all do leading to a want for the status quo to remain the same. It is obvious throughout the book that all the people must rely on each other: when asher comes in late he is told that he has hindered the learning process and must apologise. If the learning process requires all the students to be present then if one is gone then the system falls. When they Are five they are givenjackets that require other people to do them up creating a trade off I'll do yours if you do mine. This mentality is fostered throughout the lives of all the citizens.

In the later parts of this book the main character is told by the giver
about freedom and love and other things that we take for granted
today but the people in this book have never heard of. Throughout the past years the only person to feel this way was the giver, and he was an individual unable to influence the masses. He fostering of this interdepndence also leads to a sort of go with the flow thinking process in which any independent though is
immediately thought of as not best for the community and purely
individual. It is this sort of independent thinking that the committee
hopes to crush if somewhat unknowingly.

Everyone in this world is deeply mislead, and unfortunately this is where I must end.

This is
Signing Out